Get Strong movement

What is preventing your return to yoga, Pilates, walking, running, or favourite sport?
Get Strong movement will explore your body type and your movement to achieve your goals. If you want to return to an activity or sport but have concerns about a niggling pain or injury, this 1-2-1 movement session focuses on finding your strength and capabilities. Situated in our fully equipped studio, Get Strong movement can be in conjunction with your physiotherapy & osteopathy sessions or independently. It is an exploration of what you are capable of doing, and to ease you back into getting strong and moving more. You must be injury free to attend, if you are in pain or concerned about a current injury please book a physiotherapy or osteopathy session.
- Led by a physiotherapist & osteopath
- Prices: £25 per 30 minutes
- One to one session in our clinic
- Book online or enquire for more information
Get Strong movement is like no other, designed for anyone with a history of pain, injury, weakness, or stiffness. These sesssions are specific to you, it is not personal training, it is not a gym class, and it is not an ‘all or nothing’ thing. It is an environment to learn, move, and GET STRONG!
If you have any questions please email or call 07811454495.
More information about Movement therapy
Movement therapy is a way of figuring out what part of your movement and belief about your movement needs exploring. It is not a high intensity workout session, although some movements may be more challenging than others. The idea is to improve confidence and achieve whatever the goal, such as running; playing tennis, or simply reduce the fear of falling.
These 30 minute sessions are for everyone, for example a weightlifter who has a shoulder injury and may need to go back to explorative basics; or a runner with niggly knee pain who may need to strengthen their big toes, or soemone with an increasing fear of falling who may need to practise getting on and off the floor.
Booking form for Get Strong movement