Meet the team
Our philosophy
We are your local, passionate, caring and hard-working Kew physiotherapists, osteopaths, massage therapist, yoga and Pilates teachers. Your body type, injury, pain response and even personality will guide us to figure out the best treatment plan for you.
"Understanding why pain is happening helps to settle any fears and work towards better movement. Pain is normal and many of us may experience it daily. Don't fear pain, try to work with it and figure out what your body wants to communicate with you."
Whether you are here for osteopathy, physiotherapy, massage treatment, yoga, Pilates or a Get Strong movement session, you will get the impression that we are keen on getting things moving and getting you feeling stronger in a way that is functional for you.
Isabelle Scobie
Registered Osteopath & Yoga Teacher
Isabelle Scobie is an osteopath and yoga teacher. Isabelle finds that both roles are enhanced by her knowledge and experience of the other. She has been teaching yoga across London for the past 8 years.
As an Osteopath, it is my job to guide your body back to its natural state of optimum health. Sometimes the body needs to move itself in order to regain full health (in which case yoga might be helpful), and sometimes it needs some outside help to get moving better; this is when osteopathy can add value.”
Isabelle works with both the structual and cranial approaches to osteopathy, and particularly enjoys treating chronic conditions that are seemingly unwilling to resolve themselves. Low back pain, and sciatic symptoms are key areas of interest for Isabelle, and given the many factors influencing this part of the body, it is important that optimum function here can occur. A whole system approach is central to Isabelle's osteopathic practice, so while the lower back might be the area complaining, treatment of an 'upstream' part of the body may be the key to recovery.
Isabelle graduated from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2023, and continues her postgraduate training with the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy. Osteopathy has been an important part of her life since she was teenager with sport-induced injuries, and after osteopathic treatment helped with recovery from a back injury in 2017, she decided to retrain as an osteopath herself.
Isabelle's osteopathic practice is based on the principle that the body has the inherent capabilities of self-regulation and self-healing; treatment then will focus on removing any barriers to full health whether they be physical (posture, injured tissue), psychological (anxiety, stress) or environmental (diet, exercise).
I enjoy working together with patients to restore full health. Every human body has a different story to tell, and it is somewhere in that story that the key to healing will be found.
Demet Karabork
Physiotherapist and massage therapist
Demet has a bachelors degree in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. She is also a massage therapist covering Sports Massage and Lymphatic drainage techniques. Demet is a UK trained CranioSacral therapist, and she is planning on doing a Masters degree in Physiotherapy in the UK.
Extensive work experience covers every age group and activity level: children to elderly; athletes to disabled. She tailors her treatments by using a variety of evidence-based approaches, considering the dynamics of the human body, mind and soul. Her holistic approach encourages her patients to achieve their healthiest self.
Her methods include: sports massage, lymphatic drainage techniques, medical acupuncture, mobilisation of joints, and use of therapeutic exercises. Demet is also interested in chronic pain, postural disorders and the effect of the psychological conditions on the human neuromusculoskeletal system.
I am passionate about helping people improve their movement, and to be in less pain, the human body is a fascinating piece of machinary, and the way it can adapt never ceases to amaze me.
Call or text Demet on 07552 597 251 or email
Claire Slater-Gallon
Registered Osteopath & Physiotherapist BSc (Hons)
Claire Slater-Gallon is a physiotherapist and osteopath. She finds that the two disciplines really compliment each other. "Because I am both a physio and an osteopath, I always get asked what the difference is, the short answer is, the two disciplines use slightly different techniques for example, physiotherapists may use more exercise therapy and osteopaths may use more joint mobilisations". The long answer can be found here.
Having worked in the Kew and Richmond area for over 10 years Claire sees a lot of runners and has a keen interest in treating running injuries especially foot and ankle problems.
Claire is also passionate about helping people realise their full potential, fear plays a big role in the return to activity such as sports or even just walking. Pain, or the fear of falling can really limit a person's rehab potential. Movement tends to gravitate towards safe, slow, and predictable, which is perceived as less harmful. Your movement and your belief in how you move is essential in keeping you strong and resilient for sports, for walking, and for life as you age.
Claire also runs a business called Roll Your Shoulders, which involves a visit to your workplace to teach you to move!
I believe that the feet and toes play an essential part in your overall movement. There are many bones and joints in the feet and they each need movement. When they move well they are strong enough to walk, run, jump and stop you from falling. When they don't move well or you aren't connected to them, they become weak and it can effect your overall movement and stability.
Claire has taught foot and ankle techniques to first team physiotherapists at Premier League Football clubs. She also teaches Running and Your Big Toe to London Marathon runners with the charity Meningitis Research Foundation.
One of Claire's proudest acomplishments was being a lead physiotherapist treating dancers and musicians at the 2012 London Olympics Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
Call or text Claire on 07811 454 495 or email
Agnes Trevillion
Yoga Teacher
Agnes truly believes in the transformational power of yoga after experiencing it first hand and wants to share its benefits with as many people as possible.
I feel that yoga is for every body, there is no such thing as being too inflexible to do yoga - I could barely touch her knees when I started!
Join Agnes on Wednesday evenings for a stead Vinyasa Flow, focusing on building strength and stability. Expect a fun, playful but challenging class leaving you feeling a little more specious in both body and mind. Open to absolutely all levels.
Steph Hack
Pilates Teacher with Polestar Pilates
I’m a local Kew mum, with two kids.
I qualified as a Pilates teacher in 2018 with Polestar Pilates. I’ve always loved pilates, it’s benefits have helped me successfully navigate through many of life’s experiences. I feel stronger and more in tune with how my body works and what my body needs on a daily basis. This is what incentivised me to find a way to share this with others.
Pilates strengthens you from within, improves your alignment and helps your body to function with greater fluidity and efficiency. Come and enjoy the benefits of pilates.
Sam Coates
Sam founded SC Nutrition in 2023 after her own experience as an athlete opened her eyes to the vast quantities of misinformation available, which at best doesn't work, or at worse is detrimental. As an ex-GB runner and swimmer she knows first-hand the impact nutrition has on performance, training and recovery, but also on longevity and injury prevention. Whilst she is no longer competing herself, she is passionate about helping individuals to reach their goals now, and in the long term!
Sam has worked with individuals from across the spectrum of abilities, from athletes representing their country at the Commonwealth Goals and trialling for the Olympics to novice athletes, looking to compete in their first triathlon and marathon!
Sam also works part time within the NHS where she specialises in Weight Management and Bariatric Surgery supporting her patients to improve their health through diet and lifestyle.
Offering a compassionate and practical approach to nutrition, I am passionate about supporting my clients to change their attitude towards nutrition, breaking free from diet culture and restrictive mindsets, to help my clients reach their health, wellbeing and performance goals.
Feel free to drop Sam an email to find more about her services or visit her website at SC Nutrition.